
Early childhood learning plays a major role in human development. This is the time when children are exploring the environment. They are open to new ideas, concepts and learning patterns. The tender age requires care, precision, and monitoring which can only be offered through a well-designed curriculum that fosters individual growth. At The Basic, we understand that children reach kindergarten from diverse backgrounds with distinct needs. We create an environment that encourages children to learn in a playful manner.

The Kindergarten program by The Basic School focuses on the following seven areas:

  • Early Literacy
  • Early Numeracy
  • Citizenship and Identity
  • Environment and Community Awareness
  • Personal and Social Responsibility
  • Physical Skills and Well-being

Creative Expression

We focus on the early learnings in Arts, English Language, Mathematics, General Science, Social Studies, Physical education, and health and life skills. The students will also be learning information and communication technology in the instructional activities.

Early Literacy
Language is the basis of all communication. It is imperative for young children to learn the language as it is used not only to communicate thoughts and feelings but to establish a healthy relationship with their friends and family. Our highly trained teachers will help your child to make sense of their world through learning language and communicating better. It is an active process that starts at birth and continues throughout life.

Early Numeracy
Young children are naturally curious and develop a variety of mathematical ideas. To nurture strong mathematical concepts among young children, we have included it in everyday activities, such as playing, reading, and beading.

These learning activities contribute to develop the sense of numbers and spatial in young children. We engage the students in different types of activities such as comparing quantities, searching for patterns, sorting objects, and building with blocks to foster the curiosity of early numeracy.

Citizenship and Identity
Every child is different from one another as they have their distinct experiences, personalities, and perspectives. In this curriculum, we focus on developing a strong sense of identity, self-esteem, and belonging. This assists the young students to become responsible citizens. Furthermore, they will become active in their social circle by constantly inquiring about their cultural, linguistic, and physical environments in a healthy and positive way.

Environment and Community Awareness
The Environment and Community Awareness curriculum enable young students to explore and describe the world using their five senses. They learn the ability to identify the similarities and differences between living and non-living things, materials, and objects, etc. Tameem International Kindergarten is fully equipped with the tools required to explore scientific and aesthetic concepts in a safe environment.

The goal is to recognize changes in the environment and community by identifying acquainted shapes, sounds, and symbols.

Personal and Social Responsibility
We focus on building interpersonal skills to ensure that the child excels in all areas of learning.

Physical Skills and Well-Being
We encourage young children to follow a healthy lifestyle from the beginning. Children need assistance to develop the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes that lead to continual involvement in physical activity. It is important to promote an active and healthy lifestyle by taking part in different physical activities and becoming aware of healthy food choices.

Creative Expression
We encourage children to explore and express their thoughts through liberal arts such as music, movement, and drama. This curriculum will help in nurturing a creative perspective and interacting with different forms of expressions and materials.

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